Week 3
Hello dear mama, and welcome to week 3 of your pregnancy journey, and yoga practice!
Here you will find bonus content for my Week by Week Pregnancy Yoga Journal (scroll down to download it for FREE if you haven’t already!).
Click here to learn more about the Week by Week Pregnancy Yoga Journal and how to use it!
Weekly Pregnancy/Baby Update
Your baby has made it, although it is too early to detect your pregnancy via a home pregnancy test at this point.
Yoga Posture
Padmasana – Lotus
Lotus pose is the epitome of yoga poses, arguably the most important one. Some yoga lineages say that all asana, or postures, exist simply so you can sit comfortably in lotus for meditation.

Recommended Yoga Class
I hope you’re faring well on your pregnancy journey! You might be experiencing some exhaustion – and believe me, I’ve been there! Our bodies are doing SO much work, especially in those early weeks, that it can be hard to keep your eyes open. Especially if you work or are taking care of other kids! If you’ve carved out some time for you to be here – bravo! In this class, we are embracing fatigue. We are allowing our bodies to rest, to destress, to work so hard on the inside, building, and growing our little miracle. So grab some yoga props (maybe a pillow!), get into a comfy outfit, and let’s rest! Reward here – this class has a full 10 minute savasana =)
*I am constantly updating recommended classes as I add more yoga classes to my YouTube library! Check back often for updates!
**Every body, woman, practice, and pregnancy is different. If the suggested class for this week does not suit you this week for any reason, please feel free to look for a different one on my YouTube channel. Trust your body and listen to your birth team!
Journal Prompts
Do you feel connected to your divine self? To source? To God/dess? How can you tap into your intuition and connect with your innermost self this week, the week that baby travels into the womb?
Please feel free to share your responses below, so we can all help each other on this journey!