
Week 21

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Hello dear mama, and welcome to week 21 of your pregnancy journey, and yoga practice!

Here you will find bonus content for my Week by Week Pregnancy Yoga Journal (scroll down to download it for FREE if you haven’t already!).

Click here to learn more about the Week by Week Pregnancy Yoga Journal and how to use it!

Weekly Pregnancy/Baby Update

All of the baby’s major organs and systems are now fully formed. You might be feeling better physically, but could be having hormonal swings – take care of yourself if you feel weepy or agitated!


I am vibrant


Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Philosophy Lesson


Yoga Posture

Tree pose – Vrksasana

Check in with your balance with this staple of a posture. Fix your gaze on one focal point, engage your core, and breathe! The foot can be at the ankle on days of less balance, and up higher on more grounded days.

Recommended Yoga Class

If you are taking this class into your second trimester – congratulations! You made it! The first trimester can be full of so much exhaustion, nausea, and not to mention emotional and hormonal upheaval! Once I hit my second trimester, I’ll be honest, I did not get much energy back. But my spirit was fired up to get into action! I started eating healthier again (the first trimester had me eating a lot of toast, apples, and peanut butter!), practicing more yoga, walking, and just getting back to life. Allow this class to stimulate your core, fire up your digestive system, and juice up your solar plexus, your action center. You have plenty of time to get great eating habits and yoga practice habits going. We’ve got this!!

*I am constantly updating recommended classes as I add more yoga classes to my YouTube library! Check back often for updates!

**Every body, woman, practice, and pregnancy is different. If the suggested class for this week does not suit you this week for any reason, please feel free to look for a different one on my YouTube channel. Trust your body and listen to your birth team!

Journal Prompts

Are you looking so forward to the birth and meeting your baby that you are not fully experiencing pregnancy? Looking too far ahead puts us in the mindset of “I’ll be happy when…”. How can you stay in, and enjoy, the present moment?

Please feel free to share your responses below, so we can all help each other on this journey!


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